331 Tilton Road Bldg 30, Ste 12

Northfield, NJ 08225

(609) 484-9300


Some Helpful Eating Tips For Sustained Energy Throughout The Day

Some Helpful Eating Tips For Sustained Energy Throughout The Day

Are you tired of feeling like you have no energy? Do you feel you have tried to change your diet and still see no difference in energy? Are you seeking an answer? You might be suffering from Adrenal Fatigue? If so, here are a few tips to start to overcome Adrenal Fatigue. I invite you to read about the macronutrient groups below to find the best dietary sources of energy and others to steer clear of.

Simple Sugars: Simple sugars are commonly found in table sugar (sucrose), dairy (lactose) and fruit (fructose). Simple sugars are known to spike or increase blood sugar levels very quickly. The rise in blood sugar levels triggers a hormone, known as insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas. Insulin is responsible for helping blood sugars enter a cell, so energy can be produced. It can be an inflammatory hormone, so the more simple sugars you have throughout the day, the more insulin is produced. If this phenomenon is constantly interplayed overtime, it can increase risk of developing insulin resistance and even diabetes. Also, once the spike of sugar occurs, then your blood sugar begins to drop. As it drops to lower levels, cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands to signal the liver to bring sugar out of the liver into the blood stream. This is one of the major modern day stressors on the adrenal glands. It’s not just about white sugar either. White bread, juices, soda and high fructose corn syrup can also create this phenomenon. When this occurs day in and day out, your adrenal glands become fatigued, leading to a host of conditions. Complex carbohydrates contain more fiber and starch and usually have more nutritional content. Examples include brown rice, quinoa and legumes, such as navy beans.

Tips: Get good at reading labels, and if it states greater than five grams of sugar per serving, choose an alternative. 

Stick to having no more than two pieces of fruit per day, and eat more veggies instead.

Powerful Proteins: Protein is awesome for sustaining energy levels throughout the day because it does not spike blood sugar levels like simple sugars. Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks to help build muscles, tissues and repair cells. They are also very important in helping your body in healing wounds and repairing tissues. Good sources of powerful proteins include wild Alaskan salmon, free range chicken, grass-fed beef and vegetarian protein powders, such as pea. In a pinch, non-dairy protein powders and smoothies work well to maintain blood sugar levels and to take the stress off the adrenal glands.

Tip: Since breakfast is your first meal of the day, try eating your protein first. This gives you a head start in balancing sugar levels and can create a sustained energy level for the day. Not a typical breakfast idea, but try having chili or smoked salmon, and see how you feel!

Fabulous Fats:

 Fats can be fabulous, especially monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Fats can help you feel satiated for longer periods of time and can be great sources of energy. They are required to help you absorb fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D, E and K. Avoid fats that contain trans-fats or saturated fats, which are commonly found in baked goods and fried food. These fats can affect your cholesterol levels by increasing LDL, known as the “bad” cholesterol and lowering HDL, known as the “good” cholesterol.

Note: always rotate your foods every four days to help prevent food sensitivities

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